Programs That Build Resilience and Agility.

Melanie Boyack creates mindset shifts and movements that foster wellbeing stress reduction and burnout prevention. Discover how every individual in your organization can thrive in the face of adversity and embrace personal and professional growth.

Keynote Topics

Programs designed to engage, inspire, and learn.

Tailor Me a Program

Programs from a keynote to a 1/2 day program.

  • This program is perfect for: organizations or groups that want something specific to address their own personal needs of their department.

  • The audience will leave with: a program tailored to address their specific needs including trainings, development, support and resources. 

  • Do you need something specific? Reach out and let's talk.

Mindful Mastery

Techniques to Rewire the Brain for Success

  • Understand the science behind neuroplasticity and how it influences success and failure.

  • Practice hands-on mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, emotional regulation, and overall performance.

  • Develop a personalized action plan tailored to rewire your brain for long-lasting success and contentment, freeing yourself from past limitations.

From Burnout to Breakthrough

Identifying and Conquering Stress/Trauma Induced Challenges

  • Gain insights into the underlying factors causing stress and trauma in their professional and personal lives.

  • Develop strategies for identifying and overcoming burnout-related challenges.

  • Learn practical techniques to manage and reduce stress and trauma in various life aspects, fostering personal growth and professional resilience.

Credibility & Committment

Melanie's journey is dedicated to transformation. Her programs help organizations, leaders, and individuals conquer stress, trauma, and burnout, turning challenges into productivity.

Her rare insight into resilience stems from her unique experience as a trauma therapist, gained in high-pressure realms such as hostage crises and elite military operations.

Melanie is not just a mental health expert; she's a change-maker, guiding people and organizations to break through barriers that hinder leadership excellence and peak performance. She knows how to turn life's challenges into opportunities both in the workplace and beyond. As a nationally recognized speaker, Melanie shapes leaders, teams, and organizations with hands-on mental health strategies.

Drawing from her dynamic tenure as the head of two transformative organizations—one touching the lives of over 10,000 people struggling with mental health—Melanie is a visionary change agent. She's the ally you want in your corner, equipping you with the wisdom to lead your organization and people toward a thriving, resilient future.

Awards & Honors

Grateful and Humbled

  • A nationally recognized speaker, Melanie shapes leaders and teams with hands-on mental health strategies.

  • With a deep understanding of resilience, honed through experience in hostage crises and elite military operations, Melanie offers game-changing insights.

  • As a mental health expert and visionary change agent, Melanie leads people and organizations to break through limiting barriers.

  • Learn from a mental health leader who has touched the lives of over 10,000 people and organizations with transformative strategies.

  • Equip yourself with the guidance of an expert familiar with the unique challenges of leadership excellence and peak performance.

  • Melanie: An ally who empowers people and organizations to shape a thriving, resilient future.

  • Experience an inspiring, hands-on approach to conquering stress, trauma, and burnout with Melanie's guidance.

  • Melanie's groundbreaking strategies turn life's challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

  • Discover how Melanie's expertise can prepare you for leadership excellence and peak performance in today's complex world.

Help your team through stress, trauma, and burnout with Melanie.

Book Melanie

Melanie Boyack is available for keynote programs designed to fit your industry needs. Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or a small organization, Melanie has the experience to help your team thrive.